in situ

Ambitions d'Art

Conception : Jean-Claude Conésa

Within the framework of the exhibition Ambition d’art, the Institut d’art contemporain is organising the Ambition d’art seminar on 30 and 31 May 2008; this will assemble artists, critics, historians, philosophers and managers of European structures. With the 30th anniversary of the Institute coming up, the seminar will examine what should be passed on, both in the hinging of the artistic and the economic at the European scale and in the change in evaluation criteria.

- Jean-Louis Maubant, founder of the Nouveau Musée, Villeurbanne, director of the Nouveau Musée/Institut d’art contemporain until 2005
- Sergio Rasaliti, art director at Galerie Stein, Milan, exhibition curator and art critic
- Joëlle Pijaudier-Cabot, director of the Musées de Strasbourg, former director of the Musée d’art moderne de Lille Métropole
- Antonia Birnbaum, philosopher, lecturer at Université Paris 8, UFR Arts, philosophy, aesthetics
- Francisco Jarauta, philosopher, art historian, holder of the Chair of Philosophy at the University of Murcia
- Jordi Colomer, artist
- Nathalie Ergino, director of the Institut d’art contemporain since 2006
- Jean-Claude Conésa, art historian

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