
Thomas Braichet Revisited

| 19:00

Between poetic potlatch and preventive archaeology, Boxon & Cie have a new take on Thomas Braichet's work using the following verbi-voco-visual material: Conte de F___(POL, 2007), On va pas sortir comme ça on va pas rentrer (POL, 2004), Some lyrical butter that makes barbiturates (published by Di Solo, 2000), Ses serres ses (published by Di Solo, 1999), Ce que je fée, né pas assez (published by Di Solo, 1999), Exerg6 (published by Di Solo, 1998), Nouvelles une (2001, published by Di Solo), Et visuels (2002, punlished by Mix) Vsans-Vslab 1.0 (2003, published by Mix), Résiste (2007, published by N’a qu’un œil), not to speak of numerous publications in the journals Boxon, If, Doc(k) s, those that have been forgotten or on the websites tapin, le flac, synesthésie, la revue x and all those that we don't know about yet.

- Julien d’Abrigeon
- Sophie Nivet
- Gilles Cabut
- Georges Hassomeris
- Cyrille Bret
- Thomas Braichet (1977-2008).

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