Rencontre avec Katinka Bock

Les ateliers d'été de Pratiques cosmomorphes

| 15:00

Inaugurated in the summer of 2023, the summer workshops provide opportunities for gatherings and shared experiences around artworks and artistic practices. This year, they offer a chance to delve deeper into the themes explored by the exhibition "Pratiques cosmomorphes – (Ré)générer le vivant"


→ Encounter with Katinka Bock
Discussion around the project "Fermata" in Villeurbanne
In the presence of the project ambassadors

As part of the renovation of Place Grandclément, the Lyon Metropolis and the City of Villeurbanne have entrusted artist Katinka Bock with the conception and realization of a permanent artwork in the public space. Her project "Fermata" is an installation inaugurated in the fall of 2024, with a participatory creation process involving the participation of Villeurbanne residents, especially those from Place Grandclément and the surrounding area. At the IAC, the artist will provide an update with her ambassadors and discuss the timeline and challenges of such a project.

→ Free with reservation


Born in 1976 in Frankfurt-on-Main (Germany)
Lives and works in Paris and Berlin

Katinka Bock is a German artist who has been based in France for many years. She completed a postgraduate diploma at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon in 2005. Her artistic journey, dense and dynamic, has unfolded between her native country and France. Noted for her "avant-garde" sculpture work, she received the 14th Prix de la Fondation Ricard in France and the Dorothea von Stetten Prize in Germany in 2012. She was also a resident at the Villa Medici for the year 2012-2013, and exhibited solo at Mamco in Geneva for the second time (Katinka Bock: 40 Räuber, from October 16, 2013, to January 12, 2014). In 2018, she completed a major exhibition cycle, "Tomorrow’s Sculpture," presented in three parts, three times, and three places: Kunstmuseum Winterthur (Sonar), Mudam Luxembourg (Smog), and Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne (Radio). In 2019, Katinka Bock was nominated for the Marcel Duchamp Prize. She presented her first institutional exhibition in Paris: "Tumulte à Higienópolis" at Lafayette Anticipations. Additionally, she curated the exhibition "Le Marbre et le Sang: Regard sur la Collection IAC par l’artiste Katinka Bock" in Bourg-en-Bresse, at two venues, H2M – Espace d’Art Contemporain and Monastère Royal de Brou. In 2020, as part of "L’art dans les chapelles" in Brittany, Katinka Bock exhibited at the Chapelle Saint-Adrien in Saint-Barthélemy.

IAC → Events → Rencontre avec Katinka Bock
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