Rencontre avec Dane Mitchell

Les ateliers d'été de Pratiques cosmomorphes

| 18:00

Inaugurated in the summer of 2023, the summer workshops provide opportunities for gatherings and shared experiences around artworks and artistic practices. This year, they offer a chance to delve deeper into the themes explored by the exhibition Pratiques cosmomorphes – (Ré)générer le vivant.


→ Encounter with Dane Mitchell
Discussion around the work "Aeromancy (Sketches of Meteorological Phenomena)" in the exhibition Pratiques cosmomorphes – (Ré)générer le vivant

Dane Mitchell's artworks, minimalistic and understated, stem from capturing and fixing organic and fleeting substances. He plays with scientific principles to distance our discernment and evoke our imagination. Drawing on his work "Aeromancy (Sketches of Meteorological Phenomena)" (2014-2017), Dane Mitchell will reflect on his relationship with matter, the invisible, and the connections that bind us to the world.

→ Free with reservation


Born in 1976 in Auckland (New Zealand)
Lives and works in Auckland

Dane Mitchell graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh in 1997 and Auckland Institute of Technology the following year; in 2012, he obtained a Master of Philosophy from the same university. Trained in sculpture, he held his first solo exhibitions in the early 2000s, mainly in New Zealand. His works have since been exhibited in numerous countries, including Japan (Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2017), Belgium (Play Kortrijk, Kortrijk, 2018), and in major international events such as the Sydney Biennale in 2016. In 2018, he exhibited at the IAC as part of the "Otium#3" project and represented New Zealand in the 58th Venice Biennale in 2019 with the project "Post Hoc."

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