Rencontre-atelier avec Leone Contini

Les ateliers d'été de Pratiques cosmomorphes

| 16:00

Inaugurated in the summer of 2023, the summer workshops offer opportunities for meetings and shared experiences centered around artworks and artistic practices. This year, they provide a chance to delve deeper into the themes explored by the exhibition Pratiques cosmomorphes – (Ré)générer le vivant.


→ Encounter-workshop with Leone Contini
"La maison germinative"

Leone Contini sows, harvests, and distributes seeds and plants. For him, they are tools to explore displacement, hybridization, and cultural enrichment, as well as symbols of sharing and solidarity between different groups. La maison germinative (The Germinative House) provides an opportunity for Leone Contini to narrate the journey of seeds exchanged with the seed library at Le Rize as part of the exhibition OTIUM #4 in 2019 at the IAC. How have seeds from other continents found favorable conditions in various Italian regions, and how do they coexist today in the community gardens of Villeurbanne? Designed as an open seed swap for everyone, where seeds and stories are exchanged, this meeting will be followed by a workshop in the IAC gardens where some seeds will be collectively sown.

→ Free with reservation


Leone Contini, an artist with a background in anthropology, lives and works in Tuscany.

His practice, blending artistic action and research, includes performances, readings, collective interventions, texts, drawings, videos, and long-term collaborations with the territories where he operates, directly engaging with specific historical and social contexts. His work focuses on intercultural conflicts, migratory flows, and their impacts on the anthropological and botanical landscape.
IAC → Events → Rencontre-atelier avec Leone Contini
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