Annual IAC Dinner

2024 edition

| 19:00
Continuing the tradition established in 2018, the Institut d'art contemporain will host its fifth Annual Dinner on Thursday, December 12, 2024.

Following the collaboration with Lawrence Weiner for the IAC’s 40th anniversary in 2018, and dinners with Daniel Buren in 2019, Tony Cragg in 2022, and Bernar Venet in 2023, Les Amis de l’IAC are honored to invite the artist Yan Pei-Ming to join them for this new edition. Yan Pei-Ming has been connected to the IAC since 1994, when he exhibited the portrait series Visages - Portraits, created during his residency. This year, he returns with works and archives from the IAC collection, specially exhibited for the occasion.

For one evening, guests will gather to share a convivial moment and lend their support to the IAC. This annual dinner, open to all, will take place within the Jeune Création Internationale exhibition, part of the 17th Lyon Biennale. It offers a unique opportunity for a memorable experience, including a privileged visit to the exhibition and time to meet some of the young artists who represent today’s emerging regional and international art scene.

This dinner is open to all. Considered an act of patronage, this dinner is offered in the form of a donation, allowing for a 60% tax deduction for businesses and 66% for individuals. The price is €150 per person for Les Amis de l’IAC and €200 for the general public. This contribution helps support the IAC in continuing its mission while offering a space for exchanges, hospitality, and friendships.

Jacques Caton, 
President of the IAC Foundation 
President of the Friends of the IAC

For this dinner, the IAC is also producing 20 prints by Yan Pei-Ming (Print Autoportrait - Yan Pei-Ming 2009) in collaboration with the Louvre Chalcography Workshop. These prints are reserved for members of the Friends of the IAC. The dinner price, including the purchase of a print, is €400, limited to the first 20 paid reservations.

To reserve a print, please contact
IAC → Events → Annual IAC Dinner
printed on March 09, 2025 [22:50] from IP address :
© Institut d’art contemporain 2025