Victor Yudaev

Born in 1984, Moscow (Russia)
Lives and works between Lyon and Bordeaux (France)

Invited by the artistic direction of Rendez-vous

Victor Yudaev focuses on the play of objects in space. These "conceptualist nomads", as the artist calls them, write a score that resembles a continuous narrative. The apparently free organization that ensues nevertheless obeys certain rules similar to those that structure the words of a sentence. The spectator (or reader) is invited to enter into the spatial logic of precisely arranged objects and to study the way in which they combine to form sentences. Meaning shifts and is neither determined nor determining: most of all, it is the experience of reading – the fact of experiencing certain effects caused by the way things are put together –, which gives meaning to the works of the artist .

Rendez-vous I Biennale de Lyon 2017, Jeune création internationale



Rendez—Vous I Biennale de Lyon 2017, Jeune création internationale


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