Duniesky Martín

Born in 1983, Camagüey (Cuba)
Lives and works in Havana (Cuba)

Suggested by Jorge Antonio Fernández Torres, Director of the National Museum of Fine Arts of Cuba and Curator of the 12th Havana Biennial in 2015

Duniesky Martín's work focuses on the past and present history of Cuba and, although the situations presented are not necessarily linked to the history of the island, its political, cultural and social context is like a soundtrack for each of his creations. He induces us to change our appreciation of immediate reality and a past that we might have thought to be evident. He seeks to singularise the commonplace rather than highlight the unusual, to indicate the presence of an anonymous individual in a crowd during revolutionary events, or, by distorting the text and the original soundtrack, to expose the standardisation of the trailers for certain Hollywood films. Duniesky Martín’s work imagines an anthropological and sociological approach to the image.

Rendez-vous I Biennale de Lyon 2017, Jeune création internationale



Rendez—Vous I Biennale de Lyon 2017, Jeune création internationale


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