Lorena Cocioni

Born in 1995 in Constanta (Romania)
Lives and works in Bucharest (Romania)

Lorena Cocioni is interested in the ritualistic and constructed qualities of the female body. Using colours and materials deemed to be ‘feminine’, the artist explores women’s place as entertainment objects. Curtains, furs and feathers are associated with ceramics that have curved or organic forms, to delve into an apparent dichotomy: indoor and outdoor spaces merge, revealing how bodies are instrumentalised and domestically imprisoned.

With One Day We Must Meet in the Flesh, Lorena Cocioni examines the film Barbarella. Though directed by Roger Vadim, viewed as a pioneer for bringing one of the first French science-fiction heroines to the big screen, the 1968 film perpetuates a kind of hypersexualisation of the female body. Taking as her starting-point the heroine’s weapons, whose attack-unfriendly design became symptomatic of a form of male gaze, the artist underscores the representation of a kind of femaleness where the only attack weapon is the body.

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