Louise Mervelet

Born in 1994 in Paris (France)
Lives and works in Paris (France)

In collaboration with Nora Guislain
Wide-ranging, cross-disciplinary and experimental, Louise Mervelet’s work examines the idea of entertainment as a weapon of resistance and subversion, with a maximalist aesthetic chosen for its non-conformist nature. She enlists various media (video, photography, sculpture) to devise objects that would appear to be vehicles for non-hegemonic narratives, channelling gender studies and queer theory.

With What Is the Bottom of Zany Clůckwoork, Mervelet continues her collaborative approach, inviting the artist Nora Guislain for a joint rethink of the artwork that Mervelet showed at the Fondation Fiminco early this year. They have added a sound piece they created together, thus blurring the notion of artist-as-author, which is crucial in the contemporary art world. In her practice, Guislain hybridises various techniques to address bodies and the flows – psychic, chemical and symbolic – that run through them. At the Young International Artists exhibition, sculptures and sound fuse the two artists’ explorations to create a ghostly ecosystem. The eclectic soundscape seems to haunt the space, just as the visitor is invited to do.

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