Jeune création internationale

2019 Lyon Biennal

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This first edition of Young International Creation ensures both the continuation and renewal of the “Rendez-vous” event which was established in 2002, coming before this new event and being replaced by it.
This new set up continues to embody the aspect of young creation of the Lyon Biennial allowing visitors to discover a range of artistic propositions coming from an emerging local and international scene. It is anchored even more radically in the dynamics of the Biennale by inviting the curators of the Palais de Tokyo to participate to the artistic selection.
For this current edition, curators from the Palais de Tokyo, invited by the Biennial of Lyon, have chosen five young international artists, in addition to five artists living in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region who have been selected by the co-organizing institutions: the Biennale de Lyon, the école nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon, the Institut d’art contemporain/Villeurbanne and the Musée d’art contemporain de Lyon which together manage the artistic direction of this project.
An overlapping of territories, a pooling of network resources, open to different publics, this institutional complementarity is exceptional both in France and on an international level and provides increased visibility to young artists whose work is not yet well known.
IAC → EXHIBITIONS → in situ → Jeune création internationale
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