Yannick Vey


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A graduate (1998) of the École supérieure d’art et design de Saint-Etienne, Yannick Vey lives and works in Saint-Etienne.
For Le Groupe d’Art Contemporain at the Chapel of Sainte-Marie d’Annonay, Yannick Vey exhibits a project entitled 'Survivances' in which he uses 'sharp' sculpture and 'honed' drawings to affirm his libertarian convictions combating archaism. The artist chose the title for its duality—the survival of the dogma of the church in present-day society and also the survival of the free expression of artists over the centuries. Yannick Vey thus reaffirms the act of creation as a weapon of ideological resistance—in a venue that now houses cultural events but still bears the imprint of its religious identity.
IAC → EXHIBITIONS → ex situ → Young artists → Galeries nomades → Yannick Vey → Survivances
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