La Photographie en dialogues / Dialoguizing Photography


Texts by M. Dancer and D. Snauwaert, interview with J.-F. Chevrier.

208 pages + 1 CD
Sold out

ISBN : 2 905985 68 2

The photographic collections are the fruit of an important collboration between the IAC - FRAC Rhône-Alpes and the Museum of Modern Art of Saint-Étienne.
In 1985, the FRAC Rhône-Alpes originally commissioned art and photographic historian, Jean-François Chevrier, to build up a collection of works representing the history of photography. This led to the incorporation of works by the first generations of photographers - a thrilling and unexpected prospect for a regional body such as the FRAC. This collection was deposited to the Museum of Modern Art, thus nurturing the common interests of both parties and giving rise to two parallel, complementary collections as historical cross-sections spanning the main issues of photography.
The natural outcome of such a longstanding collaboration was a large-scale twofold exhibition with the aim of bringing this rich cultural heritage to the public eye. This book, complete with CD-ROM of the collections' inventory, is therefore both a reminder of the exhibitions and a catalogue of the collections.
edited by Institut d'art contemporain
co-edited by

Musée d'Art Moderne et contemporain Saint-Étienne

IAC → EDITION → Printed publications → Collection → La Photographie en dialogues / Dialoguizing Photography
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